This is a celebration of life, please wear uplifting colors. The celebration will be held at:
Saturday, April 27th, 1:00 pm
at Trinity Lutheran Church in Alameda, CA..
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1323 Central Ave, Alameda, CA (google maps link)
This is a celebration of life, please wear uplifting colors. The celebration will be held at:
Saturday, April 27th, 1:00 pm
at Trinity Lutheran Church in Alameda, CA..
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1323 Central Ave, Alameda, CA (google maps link)
A further celebration of life gathering will be held on (again, uplifting colors please):
Sunday, April 28th 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
The gathering will be held on the USS Hornet Museum, docked at the Alameda Naval Air Station.
USS Hornet Museum (website)
We would like to encourage you to share your stories and any pictures you might have related to Lou. Use the site below to enter your stories and upload photos. I will try to use what you provide there to expand this site.
Sharing any stories that Lou may have shared with you are also highly encouraged.